• 4 октября 2017, среда
  • Москва, ул. Мосфильмовская, д. 88, корп. 5

Teaching with Technology: Focus on the Learner

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Другие события организатора

Дополнительное образование Новой школы
2395 дней назад
4 октября 2017 c 18:00 до 20:00
ул. Мосфильмовская, д. 88, корп. 5

This 2-part workshop brings participants to the world of online teaching. It starts with a brief overview of Skype options and then proceeds to a 30-minute online lesson. This fishbowl observation is naturally followed with a guided discussion. Participants will get a general lesson plan and hopefully will be able to develop their own classes.

The second half of the seminar focuses on online teaching tools. During the session participants will discuss the added value of a few web-sites and mobile apps. One might expect several samples based on voice recording software, Jing, google drive and blogger. 

Zhenya Bakin is a language teacher and teacher trainer from Moscow. As a Fulbright scholar he has lived in the USA where he taught Russian at college level. Zhenya has also studied in University of Oslo, Norway. Zhenya holds Cambridge CELTA and DELTA with specialism in EAP. He has experience in teaching both in the private sector (IH-BKC) and in public schools. One of his interests is teaching with technology. Zhenya spent 6 years at Higher School of Economics where he was responsible for Academic Writing Center.  He is currently working as Head of Foreign Languages in New School, Moscow and studying at NILE towards an MA in education.


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